Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Keep the fitness levels high with elliptical trainers and cross trainers

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There are many work outs that would help you to keep up the fitness levels and cardio work outs are considered to be the best. Elliptical Trainer cross trainers are being used in the cardio regimen by the working class to catch up with the desired fitness levels. Elliptical trainers first entered the market in the 90's and a more compact elliptical trainer was invented by Larry D. Miller for Precor which was patented in the year 2004.
Cross Trainers will help you achieve your fitness and health goals from the comforts of your home, office or gym. You can install a cross trainer and keep pace with your progress. The cross trainer will help you to motivate to loose weight, build muscle or whatever your fitness needs. They guide you to have the right and comprehensive nutrition.
The Reebok cross trainers are extremely popular in this range and they would help you in getting rid of the fat on your body. The Reebok Cross Trainer is designed to work the users' upper and lower body and the Reebok cross trainers are considered to be minimal impact, and provide cardio work outs rather than building muscles. The Reebok elliptical cross trainers provide a highly effective, non-impact way to work out, burning more calories than running or weight training. The Reebok elliptical cross trainers offer an excellence selection of stylishly made machines, geared for performance, with a wide range of programs to choose from. No worries with the space as well, it occupies very less while helping you stay fit!

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Compare and buy online the varieties of Cross Trainers, Elliptical Trainer, Reebok Cross Trainer and many other fitness equipments.

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The most effective calorie burners - fitness elliptical trainers

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If you have been spending years faithfully sprinting three miles a day in order to stay fit and to prevent certain medical conditions, it's time for you to change the track. Don't you think so? Try to use the cross trainers or fitness elliptical trainers as these have been the most effective cardio work out machines ever made. The Cross Trainer burns almost as much calories as running on a treadmill, and nearly twice as much as a moderate swimming. Many come with different settings to progress in difficulty as you progress in fitness.
Elliptical trainers have been proven to offer a lower 'Perceived Rate of Exertion' when working out. This means that you're doing more work and burning more calories while feeling like you put out less effort. It also helps in fighting the boredom and it is great for cross training. Because elliptical trainers are a mix between the treadmill and a stair climber you have a great opportunity to cross-train. Most elliptical trainers are smaller than a treadmill and can be more easily moved to clean or to store away. If you are cramped for space or have a smaller home gym, an elliptical trainer can be a great way to save space while getting an overall body workout.
The Fitness Elliptical Trainer are the most effective calorie burners and they help you in raising your energy levels. The benefits of Elliptical Cross Trainer do not just suddenly materialize when you step in front of one. You still have to use it, at least five days a week. You begin simply with a few minutes and then work up gradually to an hour.

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4 Tips To Put Your Fitness Strength Training On Auto-pilot

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I almost decided not to write this...
I mean, I'm a Toronto boy at heart. And I've got a strong East Coast work ethic that's gotten me pretty far. So when I learned this secret, and how much "elbow grease" it can do for you...
Well, I thought I'd be cheating you out of the necessary bumps and bruises it takes to get good at this "Fitness Strength Training & Conditioning Stuff"
But after I thought about it I reconsidered - frankly, if I could go back I'd jump at the chance to get a real pro to do all the work for me. So here's the story...
Years ago when I was starting to get into fitness strength training & conditioning to boost my energy levels, looks, and health, I met this guy named Eric online.
What's crazy is that meeting this 'random' guy changed my life. He knew a lot about fitness strength training , conditioning and even had his own book published on MMA fitness and how to get ripped super-fast.
Turns out that this crazy guy used to train UFC fighters! I was pretty fortunate to meet a fitness strength training & conditioning coach of that caliber. The information I gained from reading his book and chatting with him was invaluable.
My talks with him about fitness were very unconventional. But his methods really worked like anything I hadn't ever experienced before.
It's because Eric taught me a way to auto-pilot my fitness strength training program. Sounds kinda funny but I'll explain.
You see, most people go to the gym and lift weights, maybe run a bit, play a sport, etc. They spend a lot of time exercising and don't give it much thought.
Do you remember a time in your life where you put a little planning into something, spent time on it, energy, and were persistent?
You probably got better results this way. Imagine not putting much thought into your work or family life, or finances. Unfortunately, this is how most people exercise and fitness train...Without giving much thought to it.
So Eric taught me to set up a fitness strength training & conditioning system to virtually put my exercising on auto-pilot.
The great thing about creating an auto-pilot system is that you don't need to place much thinking into it. You're simply replicating a system people use who are already successful and there's nothing to figure out.
So what do you have to do? 4 secret tips to fitness strength training & conditioning success...
1. Whatever muscle group you are targeting, write down 8 different workouts you can do. Stick to a group of 4 at a time, then after 2 months, switch to the second group of 4 exercises.
A key way to get incredibly fast, lasting strength and conditioning results, is by routinely changing up your workouts. Variability is the #1 key to success. Working out different parts of your muscles will ensure they rebuild differently while you're not working out. An absolutely amazing auto-pilot way to build strength and conditioning.
Try to find boxing fitness & MMA workouts as these are intense and most training is done in intervals.
2. Get the self-discipline to include consistency. Often overlooked by many fitness trainers, consistency is the way to keep your results long-term and keep climbing the ladder to fitness success.
3. Track the progress of your results. If things aren't going as planned you can change things up.
Planning work isn't the most fun exercise but it's crucial. Be realistic. Find out what other people have achieved and set goals. If you can't reach them, reflect on whether you've been consistent and variable in your workouts. Keep refining.
Planning and writing things down will ensure you stay on track. It's a way to auto-pilot your fitness strength training & conditioning. Once you do the initial planning, there's no work involved.
4. Look at what experts are doing. Do a google search, read about Will Smith and how he got super-fit for the movie Ali. This is just an example but you probably understand what I'm getting at. Do what successful people are doing. They all had disciplined systems to follow. It's simple.
Combining these is like having a 100% automated fitness strength training program that's guaranteed to work. My buddy Eric is actually one of the most innovative guys on the planet when it comes to this stuff.
But I still kinda feel like I'm giving you a cheat sheet before a test; or helping you find someone to do your homework for you...

About the Author

There are many strategies for fitness. But nothing else makes sense once you learn about MMA & boxing fitness strength training. To discover a weekly step-by-step system for real fitness results, check out the FREE "Unparalleled Fitness" Newsletter. To find out exactly how to do that go here: http://www.mmaboxingfitness.com

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How To Choose A Personal Trainer

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I think this is where I'm supposed to say certain things that you hear all the time when looking for a personal trainer who will finally get those results you've been after for years!
Find a trainer who has a similar personality to you so that you know you'll get on well and have fun.
Find a trainer who is well-qualified and has lots of certificates to prove they're good at they're job
Find a trainer who will give you lots of friendly motivation so that you stay on track.
These points are all partly valid but realistically, unless they are a complete moron, most personal trainers will fit the bill!
The unfortunate truth is that there is a huge gulf between the top trainers who can guarantee rapid and long-lasting results for you, and the #25 per hour glorified fitness instructor you find in the local gym.
I actually detest having to call myself a personal trainer these days but that is what people 'Google' when they are in need of a health and fitness professional who can design and hold them accountable for implementing, a highly effective exercise and nutrition program.
I've seen trainers in commercial gyms who actually take pleasure in telling their colleagues that they don t like training themselves. Seriously I used to work with one myself.
Similarly, you can often see these people (who are supposedly responsible for encouraging others to live healthy lifestyles) out getting blind drunk every weekend.
With this in mind, here's a checklist for you when choosing a 'personal trainer' to get you the body composition, energy levels, health and physical abilities you want!
Any trainer worth their salt should have a comprehensive list of testimonials. These should include before and after photos (from those willing to have them taken) and written reports on how the trainer conducts their business and achieves great results for with their clients.
Unless they have been working for less than 3 months, any good trainer will be able to provide at least four or five such testimonials.
A high-calibre personal trainer will have taken the time to develop nutrition and training systems based on their extensive and ongoing research and professional development.
These systems should have proven science and real-world application to back them up but also be flexible to work around your individual needs.
As the proverb goes, there is more than one way to skin a cat and so whilst the trainer should have proven methods they use as foundations, can they adapt these systems to ensure great results for you if you have specific, unique requirements such as food allergies, physical disability or injury and time constraints?
Gone are the days of the personal trainer who would show you how to do a press up correctly then proceed to beast you for an hour!
Today's top-end trainers have a range of talents including advanced exercise program design, strength and conditioning expertise, detailed nutrition know-how, knowledge of hormone optimization, kinetic chain assessment capabilities and mindset techniques to name a few.
You simply cannot rely on someone who knows how to make you sweat lots but is lost when you walk in with a niggling hamstring or aching lower back because they have no clue how to help correct it there and then!
Clearly at times a referral to a chiropractor, osteopath and the like is necessary but an expert trainer will have a detailed knowledge of muscle release and therapy techniques which may save you hours and hundreds of pounds in visits to other health and fitness professionals.
The unfortunate truth is that often the so-called health professionals are too focused on an individual area or 'effect' and are unable to see the wood for the trees and identify what the cause is.
Your trainer should be able to take a 'whole-istic' approach to your health and fitness and be able to react to whatever you throw at them!
The ability to listen and observe
Often in consultations for personal training services, the prospective client sits there for 30 minutes listening to the trainer reel off how great they are and what the client requires without taking the time to actually listen.
The key to a great consultation is rooting down to the emotional reasons why you have sought out help.
Often you yourself won't even know this until someone takes the time to help you look into your own mind! However, once you are clear as to exactly what you want to achieve, when, and the emotional reasons why, your chances of succeeding in hitting your goals will sky-rocket!
I call this 'peeling the onion'!
Saying you want to 'lose a bit of weight' is the very outer layer of the onion. Deep down we can find exactly how much you want to lose and why you must achieve this to be happy. Sometimes your real goal isn't actually what you thought when you first sat down!
This attention to detail about your mindset is critical and must also carry on into every session. Your trainer should observe carefully how you are feeling, looking and talking at each session as what they had planned may no longer be suitable given your mood and emotional state.
For instance, even if you like really hard workouts, if you're highly stressed that day, a killer session could send you over the edge and so isn't appropriate for that day.
Does the trainer personally inspire you either with their own physique, achievements in their chosen sport or just their general attitude to health and fitness.
If they don't, they aren't going to have the ability to push you to 'get back on the horse' when you're having a bad day (we all get them!).
They should also not be the kind of person to accept excuses. You know that you need someone who will keep you accountable for progressing on a daily basis so make sure they have the strength of character to not accept your excuses and keep you on the straight and narrow!
Approach to results
It is actually remarkably simple to get rapid fat loss results.
However, does the trainer know how to do this AND set you up for a long and healthy life through optimizing every aspect of your exercise and nutrition habits.
Most trainers are unable to see past the body composition factor that, whilst vital, must be part of a bigger picture to prevent you ending up worse off than you did in the first place.
Is your trainer really health and fitness expert or just a few brain cells ahead of a fad diet that promises little other than a short-lived loss of a few pounds?
Does your trainer have an education plan for themselves which will guarantee the service they provide to you will always be at the cutting edge and continue to improve week by week?
Reading a few articles each week is no enough. They must continually invest in themselves through seminars, internships with experts at the top of their respective fields and study of scientific research.
Part time instructor or fitness business?
Many trainers are part time instructors who 'enjoy' helping people out with their exercise goals.
This is like a doctor who just does a few appointments each week because they like helping people get rid of the flu. It's also the reason personal trainers as a species often don't get the respect they deserve from the medical profession and other industry bodies.
Does your trainer have a range of products and services which illustrate their knowledge and ability to get results for people from all walks of life?
Have they written books, seminars and workshops which they deliver on a regular basis?
If not question why?
Do they not have the confidence in their own abilities, in which case, how can they expect you to?!
Finally, can the trainer encompass all of the above and offer a money-back guarantee on their services?
If they have a well-structured consultation process which identifies and plans for goals which mean the world to you, and they have all the knowledge and systems to carry that plan through, they should have no qualms in offering a money-back guarantee.
Obviously you will need to hold up your end of the deal and put every element of the plan into action. This way they won't have to worry that you're not following instructions and you won't have to worry that it may not work like all the other plans you tried!
Hopefully this gives you an idea of how to go about choosing a trainer who will finally help you achieve your own personal goals.

About the Author

Jon Le Tocq is the leading personal trainer in Guernsey who specializes in rapid fat loss, kettlebell training and strength and conditioning for performance.
Find out more at http://www.stormforcefitness.com

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